Our Beliefs
We subscribe to the doctrinal statement of The Baptist Faith and Message as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 2000.
  • About God - There is one and only one living and true God. He is an intelligent, spiritual, and personal Being, the Creator, Redeemer, Preserver, and Ruler of the universe. To Him we owe the highest love, reverence, and obedience. The eternal triune God reveals Himself to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, with distinct personal attributes, but without division of nature, essence, or being.
  • About Jesus - Christ is the eternal Son of God. In His incarnation He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. Jesus perfectly revealed and did the will of God, taking upon Himself human nature, yet without sin. His substitutionary death on the cross made provision for the redemption of men from sin. He was raised from the dead with a glorified body, ascended into heaven, and is now exalted at the right hand of God where He is the One Mediator, fully God and fully man. He will return in power and glory to judge the world and to complete His redemptive mission.
  • About the Church - A New Testament church of the Lord Jesus Christ is an autonomous local congregation of baptized believers, in whom Christ dwells, under the ministry of the Holy Spirit, established for worship, fellowship, evangelism, discipleship, and service. The New Testament speaks also of the church as the Body of Christ which includes all of the redeemed of all the ages, believers from every tribe, and tongue, and people, and nation.
  • About the Bible - The Bible was written by men divinely inspired and is God's revelation of Himself to man. It is a perfect treasure of divine instruction. It has God for its author and is complete truth, without any mixture of error. Therefore, all Scripture is totally true and trustworthy. It reveals the principles by which God judges us, and therefore is the only standard for humanity's faith and practice.
  • About Salvation - Salvation involves the redemption of the whole man, and is offered freely to all who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, who by His own blood obtained eternal redemption for the believer. In its broadest sense salvation includes regeneration, justification, sanctification, and glorification. There is no salvation apart from personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord.
  • About Man - Man is the special creation of God, made in His own image. God created them male and female. By his free choice man sinned against God and brought sin into the human race. Sin therefore passes to all mankind, who stand in need of a Savior. Only the grace of God can bring man into right fellowship and enable man to fulfill the purpose of God.
  • About Last Things - According to His promise, Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in glory to the earth; the dead will be raised; and Christ will judge all men in righteousness. The unrighteous will be consigned to Hell, the place of everlasting punishment. The righteous in their resurrected and glorified bodies will receive their reward and will dwell forever in Heaven with the Lord.